Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Behavior of a chinnese river dolphins


The Baiji Dolphin is one of four species that can live in freshwater. They are found in the Yangtze River of China. They don’t have a very diversified habitat which is why it is so important for efforts to be put in place and carried out to help ensure their survival.


There isn’t much known about the overall behavior of this dolphin in the wild. It is believed that they spend a great deal of time underwater to help with communication and orientation. They also are able to use clicks and whistles for communication.It is believed they don’t live in large pods but rather in pairs of 2 or up to 10.

They are social and they seem to form deep bonds with each other. They spend most of their time at night resting in areas that offer them a slow moving current.They are known to be shy compared to other species of dolphins. That has always made it hard to observe them at any close range or for long periods of time.


The diet for the Baiji Dolphin mainly consists of various types of fish. Almost all of their feeding efforts will take place during the day. The long beak of the Baiji Dolphin allows them to find food sources at the bottom of the muddy waters. They only dive for about 10 to 20 seconds at a time.
They don’t have very good vision but they make up for it with their echolocation to help them find food in the water. They tend to find their food sources mainly around the shallow water locations. These tend to be located around the mouth of the tributaries of the river or close to the sand bank locations.


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