Monday, March 24, 2014

Reproduction of a ganges river dolphins


The diet of Ganges River Dolphins includes a wide range of fish, turtles and birds that are located around the Ganges river. They are more diverse in their eating habits than other river dwelling dolphins, including diets such as catfish, carp, clams, turtles and occasionally birds.
Because this species likes to dwell in the deeper parts of the river, it will also try to find most of it’s food in a similar area. This is done by swimming close to the bottom of the river floor sideways, while opening it’s snout whenever food is seen close by.


The Ganges River Dolphin will only have one calf at a time. Typically, the Ganges River Dolphin will mature at an older age, with females not becoming ready to breed until they are at an average of six to ten years old.

The Ganges River Dolphin will breed in a similar way to other dolphins, which includes breeding during the beginning of the year, and remaining pregnant for an average of 10 – 12 months.
After a calf is born, they will remain with their mother for one year. Typically, they will nurse for an average of two months, then start eating solid food; however, some will continue to nurse as well for up to one year.


Many consider the Ganges River Dolphin to be a sub-species of the Indus river dolphin. However, recent research has found a difference in appearances and has allowed the dolphin to remain as a separate species.

The attributes of this dolphin include a longer beak and large flippers.
They are also known because their body is somewhat larger than other species, not only in size, but also in weight. Even the smaller dolphins, which can be around five feet, will be able to get up to a weight that is at an average of 200 pounds. This makes them a large species dolphin, and distinguishes them from other types of dolphins.


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