Monday, March 24, 2014

Behavior of a river dolphins


River Dolphins are very social, and like others, they form pods. There can be just a few of them or more than 100 in a pod. They do form very strong bonds and they are quite protective of each other. The young tend to be secured in the middle of the pod in order to keep them safe. The females have also been noted to care for the young of each other in a cooperative effort.
These dolphins are believed to be very social and to have a complex hierarchy that can be hard to fully understand. They tend to have some pods that have primarily females or males in them. This could be part of their social organization.


Fish are the main components of the diet for the River Dolphin, and they can eat large amounts of them daily. They use a variety of differenttechniques to get the schools of fish with ease. Usually, these efforts involve teamwork and collaboration that is very in sync and interesting to observe. For larger pods, they often break up into smaller groups for feeding purposes to be carried out.


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